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Sustainable Business with NetSuite

NetSuite as a leading vendor of cloud computing business management software performed an independent sustainability impact study of NetSuite Software as a Service (SaaS) platform. The research reveals significant business energy-saving benefits for their customers who count on the company’s ERP, CRM and E-Commerce bundle to streamline key business processes.

These environmental-friendly benefits transform into tangible returns for NetSuite users, according to the impact study by Greenspace, Northbrook, Ill. Greenspace discovered the average NetSuite customer can cut its electricity bill more than $10,000 per year by vastly reducing the need for servers and support equipment, such as server room air conditioning. At the accumulation of overall costs of hardware, software licenses, maintenance, personnel and occupancy, NetSuite estimates that the cost reductions can exceed $100,000 per year, per customer.

Greenspace conduct a review on NetSuite's platform using its Eco Metrics™ scorecard review, which measures cost savings, efficiency, and environmental benefits. Highlights of the Greenspace study include:

  • With over 6,000 customer companies sharing data centre resources, NetSuite's platform saved more than $61 million in energy bills per year

  • These savings amount to nearly 595 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) annually, the equivalent of nearly 423,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year

  • This is equivalent to nearly 1 million barrels of oil or the average electricity consumption of 56,000 homes per year.

NetSuite is a leader in providing energy-efficient data centre deployment within the cloud. NetSuite data centre incorporates HP's award-winning servers listed within the ENERGY STAR® program, a voluntary energy efficiency program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, allowing NetSuite to understand power savings that have benefited both the corporate and its thousands of consumers.

NetSuite customers enjoy CRM, ERP and Ecommerce sustainability and efficiency, likewise make the platform a key component of green initiatives like paper, energy use and travel reduction. Customers that have reaped the advantages include green-focused energy providers, wineries, zero-emission vehicle developers, ozone equipment distributors, earth-friendly bag developers and biodegradable hand cleaner manufacturers. Case studies profile customers that have made NetSuite a key component of their green initiatives, including CMC Energy Services, X Winery, ZENN Motor Company, Ozone Solutions, and ProSoap (

The Greenspace Eco Metrics study found tremendous incremental benefits to the NetSuite approach. It not only identified significant energy savings opportunities but revealed green benefits including e-waste reduction, paper use reduction and increased employee productivity.

NetSuite's energy-saving green alternative to traditional on-premises ERP and CRM software solutions provides an environmentally friendly approach to mission-critical software systems, contributing to less overall energy use, fewer emissions and smarter brooding about how companies manage technology.

Greenspace developed its innovative Eco Metrics scorecard system on the NetSuite platform to assist businesses to identify environmentally friendly, sustainable, and "green" aspects of operations. Eco Metrics results reveal and support greener, healthier, and more efficient business practices to make triple-bottom-line benefits to profits, people, and the planet.

"The Eco Metrics scorecard measured and outlined previously undefined NetSuite SaaS green benefits," says Greenspace CEO Jason Howard. "NetSuite can now fully disclose its sustainability impact and goals, also because of the cloud platform functionality."

To support its commitment to companies that are going green, NetSuite is offering energy industry association members substantial on-demand business suite discounts. Please see the accompanying handout at

The full spectrum of NetSuite's sustainability impact is out there in "NetSuite Offers Green Alternative to Traditional On-Premises ERP and CRM Solutions," a white book created by Greenspace following the Eco Metrics study.

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