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Setting Up Employee Timeline

The employee timeline displays an employee's key milestones and career changes in chronological order. The information displayed on the employee timeline includes the employee’s name, hire date, and termination date. The employee timeline also displays the most effective-dated changes made to the employee record.

You can view additional information on the employee timeline based on your role. If you are a manager, you can view effective-dated changes on the timelines of any employees in your reporting chain without the Effective Dating permission. If you are not a manager, you can view effective-dated changes on the employee timeline only if you have the Effective Dating permission. Similarly, you can view information about an employee’s bonuses in the employee timeline if you have the Bonus permission.

The employee timeline displays:

  • employee status changes

  • employee type changes

  • changes in job title

  • changes in compensation (type, currency, and base wage)

  • the name of the person who modified the information

  • awarded bonuses

You can view an employee’s timeline from the employee record.

Watch the following video for information on the employee timeline:

To view an employee’s timeline from the employee record:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees (Administrator).

  2. Beside an employee, click View.

  3. From the Actions list, select View Timeline.

Managers with Employee Center roles can also view their direct reports’ employee timelines through the My Team portlet.

To view an employee’s timeline from the My Team portlet:

  1. On the Manager tab, go to the My Team portlet.

  2. Besides an employee, from the Actions list, select View Timeline.

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